

Relationship with other Management Systems

When implementing ISO 55000 you will often find other management systems in place. Your business may also have integrated management systems for managing your Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental (ISO 14001), Health and Safety (ISO45001) or Risk Management (ISO 31000), dependant on your type of business.

Alignment with other Standards

The ISO 55000 family of standards aligns and is suitable for integrating with other major management systems. These include the above mentioned standards. The ISO 55000 family is the first management system standards to implement the new ISO Annex SL, providing a consistent basis for all management systems and enabling better integration and coordinated monitoring, audit and certification. Other management system standards are being reorganised also to align with this new template.

There are a lot of common elements between the Standards therefore Sackkall Engineering Project Services Ltd will ensure that:

  • When auditing, that efficiencies between the Management systems is aligned
  • Test the degree of successful integration and alignment
  • Ensure each of the standards aligns to the other standards

Sackkall Engineering Project Services Ltd can provide ISO Management Systems awareness training and work with you to ensure your existing systems are aligned, efficient and integrated.

Contact now to find out more :- Enquiries@sackkall.co.uk.

Sackkall. Guisborough, North Yorkshire TS14

Phone: +44(0) 7956 037 589

Email: enquiries@sackkall.co.uk

  • Consultancy
  • Project Management
  • System Design & implementation
Certifications & Partners
Our Approach
  • Communicate
  • Assess
  • Implement
  • Improve
  • Sustain

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